May 28, 2011

NGC 1275 - Hubble Legacy Archive

One of the most interesting galaxies in the sky is NGC 1275.  It lies near the heart of a supercluster of galaxies in the constellation Perseus, and is roughly 230 million light years away.  Obviously, something is happening here.  I have read that one mass in front is moving toward a large galaxy behind but has not reached it yet.  The chaotic spewing (in red) of glowing hydogen and nitrogen comes from the large galaxy behind, but the spewing's origin and energy is something of a mystery.

At that great distance, it's difficult to get much detail with an amateur scope.  I've tried and will try again to catch the filaments or the dark parts of the galaxy image.  But this Hubble data is freely available from the Hubble Legacy Archive (linked at right).  It's relatively easy, and kind of fun, to download and process.  Here is my version for now.

1 comment:

Tera said...

great job. How did you delete blooms?

