November 30, 2011

M35 & NGC 2158 (Nov. 28, 2011)

Here are two open clusters in the constellation Gemini.  M35 is the apparently larger, bluer cluster.  It is younger and is relatively close.  NGC 2158 is the apparently smaller, redder group.  It is much farther away and very much older.  Its stars have passed the blue stage and moved on to the older, redder stage.  There is also some dust between us and NGC 2158 that reddens the view.  The result is a nice contrast between the two clusters.

Telescope: Stellarvue 80ED NHNG (SV80ED) f/7 w/WO ff/fr 0.8 II (so effectively at f/5.6)
Camera and Exposure: SXVF-H9C, 10x8'
Filter: IDAS-LPS2
Guiding: Borg 50mm, Meade DSI Pro, PHD
Mount: Takahashi NJP
Software: Nebulosity, Maxim DL, Photoshop CS3
Location: The Woodlands, TX

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