I was excited to get out on the night of April 29. The sky cleared off but for some high, hazy clouds that passed overhead. I was able to take this image of M100, a grand spiral galaxy 56 million light years away in the constellation Coma Berenice. Also in the image just above M100 are two other galaxies. There is a glimpse of one to the right, also, but it was mostly cut off in the processing of the unguided sub-exposures. This is 335 x 8.1-second sub-exposures (just over 45 minutes total) stretched in Registax and Nebulosity. The camera was the DSI Pro on the Vixen R135S on the LXD75.
[Below is a re-processed image of M100 using the same data and more sensitive tools of PSE7. It is slightly less detailed but deeper and less noisy:]