October 24, 2010
IC 348 (10-2-2010)

October 19, 2010
Cederblad 214 (9&10-2010)

October 14, 2010
Pelican Redux

October 12, 2010
The Great Nebula in Orion (9&10-2010)

This nebula is one of the most famous in the sky. It is visible without optical aid in the belt of Orion's sword. It is basically a huge cloud of gas and dust, mostly hydrogen, that is coalescing to form stars. The stars just lower left of center are newly formed and are sending out the radiation that makes the clouds of gas glow. The four bright stars are called the Trapezium. Actually, there is a knot of stars there. This image was shot at a focal length of 500mm, not enough resolution to allow the other stars to be seen clearly. This nebula is a stunning sight in a telescope. These colors are false, but in a large scope the entire nebula takes on a greenish glow that contrasts with the stars and with the dark sky behind it.
This image is about 2 hours per narrowband channel: Ha (mapped to green), OIII (blue), and SII (red). I also took a string of 30-second Ha exposures designed to show the four stars at the core of the nebula without totally blowing it out. Processing was done in Neb2, Maxim DL, Registar, and PS CS3. This is another image gathered with the 120mm achromat and the Atik 16. It's turned out to be a nice combination.
October 7, 2010
More Soap Bubble (10-6-10)

The Soap Bubble Nebula, called by scientists PN G75.5+1.7, actually looks alot like Abell 39, another planetary nebula, discovered in the 1960s. My image of Abell 39 is here. I would like to revisit Abell 39 someday.

October 2, 2010
Soap Bubble Nebula (9-30-2010)

Can you see the bubble in these other iterations? The first is black and white, and the second is similar to natural color, with Ha as red.

Pelican in Narrowband (9-2010) - Prelim

The most interesting part of the nebula is the dark finger that reaches up from the ionization front. At the top of this finger is a relatively small, dense cloud of gas and dust slowing being worn away by radiation from the stars lighting the nebula. Hidden in the cloud, a star is being born. We cannot see the star inside the cloud, but the newly-forming star is shooting jets out to the north and south. The jets are visible in this image. The radiation that makes the gas glow is pushing the jets down to one side. This interesting object is called by scientists Herbig-Haro 555.
This image is the product of just over 10 hours of 7 minute exposures added together. H-alpha (hydrogen) was 45x7', OIII (oxygen) 22x7', and SII (sulphur) 20x7'. The image was taken with the Atik 16 from my backyard over three nights in late September, 2010.
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