June 5, 2011

Tulip Nebula, Sh2-101 (6-1-2011)

This nebula is a brighter part of a larger field of glowing gas and dust in the constellation Cygnus.  I was able to catch this nebula as it came out of the neighbor's pine tree and take exposures until around 5 am.  The NJP tracked right through the meridian.  The cloud of which this nebula is part contains a great deal more interesting material, as any wide field image will show.  I would like to go back for more.  My favorite version of the Tulip Nebula is from Neil Fleming.

Telescope: Orion 120ST f/5 Achromat w/WO ff/fr 0.8 II (so effectively at f/4)
Camera & Exposure: Atik 16, 31x8'
Filter: Astronomik Profi 6nm H-alpha
Guiding: Borg 50mm, Meade DSI Pro, PHD
Mount: Takahashi NJP
Software: Nebulosity, Maxim DL, Photoshop CS3
Location: The Woodlands, TX

June 4, 2011

Trifid Nebula, M20 (6-3-2011)

In order to obtain an image of this nebula, which sits in the southern part of the sky near the center of the Milky Way, I have to begin exposures just as the nebula emerges from one neighbor's pine tree and continue until the nebula falls into another neighbor's palm tree.  That's what I did last night.  I literally saw the last pine bough disappear from the "frame and focus" shot a few minutes before beginning actual exposures.  This was really fun, actually.

Telescope: Orion 120ST f/5 Achromat w/WO ff/fr 0.8 II (so effectively at f/4)
Camera & Exposure: Atik 16, 16x8'
Filter: Astronomik Profi 6nm H-alpha
Guiding: Borg 50mm, Meade DSI Pro, PHD
Mount: Takahashi NJP
Software: Nebulosity, Maxim DL, Photoshop CS3
Location: The Woodlands, TX

The Cocoon Nebula, IC 5146/Sh2-125 (6-3-2011)

This nebula was just in the right place this morning for the two hours of darkness I had left.  This narrowband H-alpha image shows the emission part of the nebula.  Though the image is monochrome, this part of the spectrum is visible as red light.  In full spectrum images, reflected starlight also shows in blue on the dust and gas of this stellar nursery.

Telescope: Orion 120ST f/5 Achromat w/WO ff/fr 0.8x II (so effectively at f/4)
Camera & Exposure: Atik 16, 15x8'
Filter: Astronomik Profi 6nm H-alpha
Guiding: Borg 50mm, Meade DSI Pro, PHD
Mount: Takahashi NJP
Software: Nebulosity, Maxim DL, Photoshop CS3
Location: The Woodlands, TX