August 31, 2009
A Pleasant, Moonlit Night
Tonight the sky cleared off around 9:30. Finally, the cold front arrived. The moon was waxing, 89% full. I set up the 6" achromat on the modified DS-10 mount. Jupiter was stunning at 240x: belts, festoons, and spots. I am not a big planetary guy, but Io and Europa were together tonight, very close when I caught them around 9:50. They were slowly moving apart after that. From there, I moved to Cassiopeia, which was just coming up over the trees. From Beta Cass, I moved out to NGC7789, always a fascinating sight. From my backyard, I always see the cluster on the edge of my vision. Especially tonight, with the moon partly full, it was initially hard to spot at 34x, but there it was, eventually, little sparks shimmering in the purple. I ended up with Eta Cass, a lovely, wide double star, and a few other doubles in Cass. Double stars are very nice in the 6". The brighter component sometimes sports a diffraction ring, and the dimmer star often presents a nice color contrast. I always like to see what happens with the magnification turned up!
August 23, 2009
M27 Again---First Light with the ED80
OK, I know I've got to move on to another subject, but I bought a new (used) Orion ED80 and wanted to put the AT66ED on top as a guider and try out this combination. The AT66 worked beautifully, of course. I wish it were not so heavy. The ED80 has very fine optics. When combined with the WO 0.8 II focal reducer, stars were flat over the middle 70% of the Canon XTi frame. The distortions around the 15% edges were quite minor. It would be possible to use the entire frame for some objects, I think. Anyway, this is not a great shot. I was tired about 11:30 when I began the 2 hour set (60x2') and accidentally changed a camera setting so that the entire imaging session was saved in jpeg instead of RAW. That removed some of what I would have been able to develop later. Also, the sky was covered with haze. I was almost shooting through a cloud, something I wish I could actually do. I would have taken the setup apart and gone to sleep had I not wanted to see first light with the new scope. So I have this nice color in a shallow image, and a deep image from last month in monochrome. Perhaps it's time to add color to the Atik 16 images.
August 16, 2009
NGC 7331 & Companions
This set of images, 45x2', began at 4:10 a.m. It was processed in Nebulosity 1 and Photoshop Elements 7. It could use more processing, but I do not own the software for more, yet.
NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula
The Crescent Nebula is a wonderful phenomenon. The bright star near the center of this image is so large and active that it is pushing away its outer layers. The latest ejection has collided with surrounding gas (perhaps from an earlier ejection). The collision generates light. The light in this image is emitted by ionized hydrogen. This image was taken with an H-alpha filter, which blocks nearly all light except that emitted by ionized hydrogen. For a beautiful image that combines both the light from ionized hydrogen and ionized oxygen, see here.
This image is 36x5' through the Vixen R135S with the Atik 16 and an Astronomic 13nm Ha filter, autoguided on the Takahashi EM-10. It's a vast improvement over my last Crescent, here. It's amazing what a good mount, an excellent camera, and nearly two years of experience can do. Slight flexure between the current guidescope and imaging scope currently prevent exposures longer than five minutes, and even that time is pushing it. Processed in Nebulosity 1 and Photoshop Elements 7.
August 8, 2009
Andromeda Galaxy & Companions

August 7, 2009
Red Moon & Jupiter (August 6, 2009)
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