This is how the young galaxy looks in Ha. I wondered whether in Ha I could resolve individual stars with my ED80. I'm still not sure whether the stars I see are here or there (and the seeing was not so great last night before midnight), but it's kind of fun to see the ionized hydrogen lit up so far away. I'm guessing the general glow of red that is brightest at the core is M33's stars, for the most part.
Imaging Scope: Orion 80ED & WO 0.8x II (f/6)
Imager: Atik 16
Exposure: 38x5' in Ha
Filter(s): Astronomik Ha (+NII)
Capture Software: Nebulosity 2
Mount: Takahashi EM-10
Guiding Camera: DSI Pro
Guiding Software: PHD
Guiding Scope: 60mm f/4 hybrid
Date: November 25, 2009
Location: The Woodlands, TX
Processed with Nebulosity 2 & Photoshop Elements 7 (with a Carboni action for the red)
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