January 26, 2011

Abell 5 or PK 141-7.1 (1-25-2011)

This rather dim planetary nebula in the constellation Perseus was right overhead when I began a set of 17x7" sub-exposures with the 120mm + WO 0.8x II ff/fr = f/4 achromatic astrograph. Taken through an Astronomik 12nm Ha filter. The galaxy at upper left shining so brightly in Ha is PGC10824.


Infractus_Animus said...

So Dad, I showed my astronomy teacher your blog today. :) He thought it was cool.

Polaris B said...

Thanks, sweetheart! I'm glad you are taking astronomy. What a cool subject!

RoryG said...

Wow, it's just barely there! Did it show up right away, or did you have to stretch the image before you could actually see the nebula?

Polaris B said...

Hey, Rory! I could actually see it in each sub, and even in a 60-second test sub. It's pretty dim, but it shines in Ha (or NII, also covered by my filter). Internet-published observing notes for it show folks looking with an OIII filter. I recommend they try Ha. Comparing this image in Ha with the DSS2 convinces me at least that there is relatively little glowing oxygen here.