December 12, 2015

NGC 281 or IC 1590 (Fall 2015)

This lovely nebula is lit up by, once again, a type O multiple star at its center.  In this case, it is HD 5005, a trapezium system of O-type stars on which nearly every ionization front in the nebula seems to center.  Source.  This source names many cluster members as type B, also.

Especially of interest here is the massive cloud of dust in front of the cluster, just to its right.  HD 5005 is eroding this cloud with strong UV radiation, too, but because the cloud is in front of the cluster, it appears as a dark streak with streamers moving away from the cluster of stars.

This image is 20;16;16 x 1800s of SHO from Deep Sky West's FSQ.  I've imaged this object before, several times, and I am proud of higher resolution images here (Ha only) and here (Ha and OIII).

Think this object is cool?  Check out this Hubble shot of the Nebula's center.

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