December 16, 2019

NGC 1491 (2018-19)

This is 21/9/6x1800" in Ha/O3/S2, for a total of 18 hours.  One version is processed to give something like natural colors in the nebula, and the other is processed in something like the Hubble palette.  Both are merely narrowband images.  Camera was the SXVF-H9.  Telescope was the Synta-ONTC Newtonian at f/4.95.  Mount: Takahashi NJP. Data was gathered in 2018 and 2019.

December 9, 2019

NGC 896 Hubble Palette (Nov. & Dec. 2019)

I was able to collect SII, so here is a version in Hubble palette.  This is now 11/8/10x1800" in Ha/O3/S2, for a total of 14.5 hours of exposure.  Taken with the SXVF-H9 through Astronomik filters through a Baader MPCC Mk II and Synta-ONTC Newtonian telescope, guided on a Takahashi NJP.