This was my primary target at the SHSU Observatory site. This image is 29 x 360" or 300" (the first five or so subs were only 5 minutes each), processed in Neb 2, Maxim, and PS3. Obviously, having a dark sky is a real plus on such a faint object. I was delighted to see the scope and camera perform so well. This was taken through the Orion 6" I-Newt with Baader MPCC and IDAS LPS2 filter, guided with a DSI Pro through a Borg 50mm guidescope on the Takahashi NJP.
Rory Glasgow saved my night. I left my laser collimator at home on the desk. After fiddling around with the primary mirror for a bit, I realized the strange star shapes I was seeing were a result of my secondary aiming somewhere other than at the center of the primary. Lucky for me, Rory had an accurate laser collimator. Ten minutes later, my stars were perfect circles, I was focused again and ready to go, still with 2.5 hours of the Veil near the zenith. Thanks, Rory.
Jim Wood also saved my night. I have been using T-shirt flats for some time now, but I couldn't stay at the observatory site until morning. Lucky for me, Jim brought a Flip-Flat that fit over the end of the 6" I-Newt. We were parked next to each other, and Jim loaned me the unit for a few minutes. I owe the flatness of the image to Jim. Thanks, Jim.
Here is a monochrome version: